

The Wrap *does it work*

Today during my break at work I was on pintrest and I saw this body wrap that is supposedly supposed to make you loose an inch around your waist,arm, leg or wherever you would like in one night. I am kind of skeptic on it. Here is what you do you want to put lotion let's just say on your stomach. The lotion should have an ingredient in it that you find on the beach than you put some on don't rub it in though. Then you wrap your stomach with plastic wrap then you wrap it with an ace wrap and wear it overnight. It claims that you are supposed to lose an inch overnight. Well after doing some research I found that there is a company that actually sells this. The one I have found on pinterest is supposedly a do it yourself one. I was on WebMd and they said that if the wrap did you make you lose inches it would only be temporary. You can't physically loose inches forever just by wrapping yourself up. It would only be good for special occasions. Like a day at the beach or a wedding. The inches will come back within 2-3 days. 

Body wraps aren't anything new. They have been around for a while. Before they used linen sheets in the 1980-90s then as they become more popular they started using plastic wrap or thermal blankets. It also makes you sweat a lot so you’re advised to drink a lot of water. There are also different kinds of wraps. There is the moisturizing wrap which you use lotion on the area and then wrap it. Then there is the detox wrap which has seaweed or mud so there is more of pulling action. Then there is the slimming wrap. It uses smaller pieces and wraps them tighter around your body. Then there is the cellulite wrap that uses a lot herbal stuff. Although the wrap doesn't get rid of cellulite or dimples in the skin it just may temporarily make them look better.

If you do decide to try this there are a few things I should warn you about. Using a wrap cannot take the place of eating healthy and exercising. It won't make you lose weight permanently. Also sense you sweat a lot when you are wearing the wrap it is good to stay hydrated.

Illegal Internet Activities.

If it is illegal to download free music off the internet and watch movies on the internet (besides Netflix) for free. Then why does everyone still it and not get in trouble. I know a lot of people and a lot of sites where you can download free music.And download music videos. I also know some sites where you can watch movies that are STILL in theaters. 
Watching the movies online are legal but whoever put the movies up could get in a lot of trouble. 

If things are illegal than how do people get away with it? Without any consequences. You never hear about anyone getting in trouble. There are even apps on the app store that you can download music for free. I don't know what this says as a society. I mean music on iTunes store is usually $1.29. I remember when it was only $.99 then they changed it. If you think about 1.29 for one song is not cheap. Why pay it when you can enjoy music for free. After doing some research downloading music online is pretty easy. First you have to find a website that does it. Some sites are different. Some use a YouTube link you just copy and paste others have a library you can choose from.  If you have an Android phone you can download straight to your phone and enjoy. But if you have an iPhone it is a little bit trickier. With an iPhone you have to download it to your computer then add it to your iTunes library. Then plug in you iPhone and enjoy. 

I know people that do this all the time because they don't want to pay for music which is understandable. If they say it’s illegal then why isn't there consequences for it. Why doesn't anyone get in trouble for doing it? There isn't any way for anybody to know that you do either. I didn't think it was that bad. Until I looked it up and it is about a $750 per file. So there is a consequence but not that many people get charged with it. I wonder why. 

If it is a movie I don’t think it is illegal because you aren’t actually downloading you are just watching it online. I think that the people uploaded it to the site are the ones that could get in a lot of trouble. So there are consequences to downloading music. I am not saying that you should in anyway or form. It is against the law and there is a fine. I am not encouraging it.

Is He Innocent or Guilty

If you haven't already heard the news then you don't get out much. But Justin Bieber was arrested this morning for drag racing with his friend, Lil Za. Then once he got pulled over he failed to pass a sobriety test. He was charged for a DUI and then was arrested. He was also under the influence of marijuana. Justin's entourage also blocked the street in the neighborhood. When the cops came Justin rolled down his window and the cop smelled alcohol. The police officer asked Justin to step out of the car and Justin did. Justin kept trying to get in his pants pocket.  Just before all of this Justin was at a club in Miami. He and his crew took a table all the way in the back. When he left the club there was only water bottles and Red Bull on the table. There was no sign of alcohol. His beliebers are going crazy right now. Some are defending him. Others are saying that he needs to learn his lesson.

I think his fans are in a hard spot right now. A lot of his fans have been with him since he started in 2009. They have been with him through all of the ups and the downs. Now this there a lot of mixed feelings. Some just left him altogether. There are some that still support him but don't agree with what he did. Then there are others that are defending him and his actions. I think he knows what he did was wrong. I know that he was guilty I am not defending him in any way. I also can't leave him after being a huge fan after 5 years. It's not that easy. I know a lot of people are out raged by it. I can understand some of it but at the same time he is a 19 year old with no structure in his life trying to be normal and it got him in trouble. From my point of view I think the things he did made sense. I again am not saying agree with what he did. Anyway,  he has been depressed for 5 month so that explains the anti-depressants and him smoking weed. Then he was drinking alcohol on top of that.  Here is where he went wrong, was when he got in the car and started drag racing. He risked his life and the life of others. I understand that he was just trying to have fun. But he shouldn't have done it while drink and while he was on an expired license. I think he deserved the punishment received from the law. I don't think should get more hate from the media. 

The media is turning him into a celebrity that doesn't even exist. They are putting out so many lies that if you don't even know the truth then you probably wouldn't like Justin either. The media is just taking everything he does and making lies about what he does. You never see the good things he does. Like during the hurricane in the Philippians he was there helping with clean up. Performing for them and playing games with the kids. He also recently helped build a school through the program Pencils of Promise. He and two other guys built a school from the ground up. You don't see the stuff in media. Also regarding him smiling in his mug shot. He said in his movie "Through all of the negativity you sometimes have to put a smile on your face and hide your true emotions." I know Justin realizes what he does was is wrong because I saw that police said when he made his one phone call he was on phone crying he said "what about my beliebers if  I even have any." I know he will learn from his mistakes and get help and start spending time with his family. 


American Idol Is Back

American Idol started season 13 last night. I have not yet watched it. It is just sitting on DVR. Honestly I don't think I am going to watch it. 418

My Crazy Beautiful Life

I started watching "My Crazy Beautiful Life" at the end of the first season. It started in April of last year.  If you don't have any idea what I am talking about. "My Crazy Beautiful Life" is show on MTV. It is show about Ke$ha. Her brother is the one that films the show. He follows her around to the studio, on tour and even when she is chilling at home. 

Before the show I kind of liked Ke$ha but the show made me love her. I mean I didn't mind her music but I also don't know that much about her. But after watching this show I honestly love her. I love her free spirit and how she doesn't care what people think of her. People have the wrong perception of her. Everyone thinks she doesn't have any talent and that she uses auto tune all the time.  

She does write her own songs and she sings them well. A lot of the songs she puts on the radio are auto tune but not all of her songs are like that. She works hard to perfect her music. She also have feelings. I mean everyone has feelings. But you get to see how the hate she receives actually affects her. Celebrities aren't superhuman.  It sad to see so much hate that she receives and she take it heart. 

Her family is crazy. Especially her mom.  There was one episode where Ke$ha was trying to sell some of her old clothes and stuff and was trying to sell it. A lot of it sold fast. Her mom was buying it from her online. The good thing was that all of the money went to charity.  Her brother is seen more in the second season. He tries to follow in his sister’s footsteps in music and start a band. Khe$ha strongly encourages him to be serious about it. Ke$ha also has a sister she is actually somewhat normal. Then her other brother is the one who films and produces the show. You usually don’t see him. The only way I remember he is there is because he sometimes talks during the show.

What I love most about this show is that she doesn't hold back from anything. Just because it is a reality show she still acts the same way she would if she wasn't on a show. She is very straight forward about everything.  If you haven't watched this show before I strongly recommend it. 



I don't know when I first heard about Wanelo. I just know that ever since then I have been addicted to it. I want to say it was about a year ago. Since then I have saved 1,234 products. If you don't know what Wanelo is. It stands for Want Need Love. It is an app and a website. It is where online stores can add the products to this site and people can see them. I mostly look at clothes and phone cases. But there is so much more on there. You can follow your favorite stores on there as well. I follow Forever 21, Target, American Eagle, Amazon, and Skreened to name a few. But I have also found new stores that I have never heard of before and followed them. Any shirt you have thought about making is on there. Another great thing about Wanleo is that there is stuff on here for everybody. Whoever you are trying to shop for even it's yourself you will most likely find something that is perfects for them.

There has been a lot of updates to it since I have started using Wanelo. One of them I like a lot is that you can change the price range you want in what trending. You can also choose if you want to look at women's, men's, home or all three at the same time. Every new trend that happens is also on here. Like right now you can find a ton of stuff on the movie frozen. Stuff for Valentines day. Whatever is coming up or trending you can most likely find on Wanelo. Let's just say you are looking for something specific on Wanelo. There is also a search option. Within that you can search just withing the store you follow or by all of the stores on Wanelo.

The thing I like about Wanelo is that I will see somthing that I have never seen before but it is a great idea.Or shirts that say stuff like that is so me. It is just exciting to see what new and trending on Wanelo. There is one thing I want to warn you about on Wanelo. Besides it being highly addictive, there are also some things on there that is not appropriate.There are some bad words and bad images depicted so just use at your own risk. If you haven't heard about Wanelo before and you decide to check it out let me know.


Hilary Duff's Divorce

One of my favorite Disney stars that didn't end in train wreck. Is getting a divorce. Its Hillary Duff. She was married to Mike Comrie who is a hockey player. I think they are just adorable. There son Luca is also cute. Hilary Duff is always posting pictures of him on instagram. 

They announced that they were getting a divorce on Friday. Then earlier today they were seen together with their son Luca. I think this is to be expected. I mean they have a son they can't just never see each other again. They say that them splitting was mutual. When I first heard the news it almost made sense to me because whenever Hillary posts stuff on instagram it is of her and Luca or her and friends you hardly ever see them together on instagram. They are still best friends and are going to continue to be in each others life. I'm glad that they split because they were drifting apart. They tried to fix it with couples counselling. I am glad that they didn't just force there way through it and have it end in a big fight. I'm glad it was mutual and one didn't cheat on the other one. It is going to hard for their son Luca. I know from experience. It is better if you parents get divorced when you are younger rather than when you are a teen. When you are younger you don't remember as much. You just remember that how things have always been.

I honestly wish them the best. I have been a fan of Hillary Duff ever since the Lizzie McGuire show on Disney Channel. Then there was the Lizzie McGuire movie. Then she did a couple more movies after that. One of my favorite is "A Cinderella Story". 

Why You Should Read The Book Before The Movie

You should always read a book before you go see the movie. The books are always better than the movie. The movie can leave out details from the book. They do this to make the movie not four hours long.

Even if you don't like reading still read the book first. In the "Hunger Games" I read all of the books before I saw the first movie. For example in the book Katniss Everdeen got her infamous mocking jay pin from (essentially) a black market in district 12. She got it for free the day of the reeping. She gave it to her sister for good luck. Then when Katniss volunteered for her sister Prim, prim gave it back to Katniss. In the movie Katniss got from her stylist Cena. Also in the book when Katniss was saying her goodbyes to her loved ones. Peeta's father also stopped to giver her cookies from her bakery. In movie you just saw Kateniss with her loved ones. You never saw Peeta's father.  Another difference is the Avox girl. In the book she knew the Avox girl. She had the chance to save her and didn't. In the movie you just see her as an Avox girl. You don't see the relationship between the two. The last difference I noticed from the book to the movie is that in the book at the end the mutant dogs that came were to look like the other contestants that had died. IN the movie they just  made them scary. These mutant dogs are crucial to the sequel so we will see how they do that.

Another big movie and book was the "Twilight Saga." The first difference in the first book "Twilight is that in the book when Bella is on her way to her house she just has her Parka as a carry on. In the movie she has a cactus to remind her of home. Also in the book Jacob was the one to Bella about his history. This is when Bella found out that Edward was Vampire. In the movie Jacob only told her part of the story and she went to library to get a book about instead. Another big difference in the book  is that everything was down scaled compared to the movie. In the book Bella had an other desktop computer and a CD player. In the movie she has a new mac computer and an iPod. Also the Cullen's house was supposed to be white and old. In the movie it was grey and very very modern.

Even though a lot of these changes are minor some of them have a big importance to story line. That is why it's really important to read the book before you go see the movie. Especially if it is a series of books read the whole series before you see the first movie. Even if you have to wait for it to come out on DVD.


My Strange Addiction

Last night when I couldn't sleep after being up late for all of Christmas Break, I was watching the new episode of My Strange Addiction. The first episode I saw was of addicted to being a living doll. Which just sounds weird to begin with. The first one is a guy named Justin. He has had 115 plastic surgeries. He doesn't have a job either. He usually gets money from modeling or as gifts from boyfriends. He thinks of his body as his canvas and he can shape it anyway he wants. He loves doing it. He likes having control of his body Here is picture of him.
Justin shows off the implants in his arms.

The second girl was a live doll. She hasn't had any plastic surgery but she one day wants to. Her family thinks she is going through a phase. It takes her like two hours to get ready in the morning. That just doesn't seem worth it to me. Her name is Emily. She wears contact lenses that make her eyes look big and glossy like a doll. She also wears fake lashes and wears wigs everyday. The reason Emily does this is because she is very insecure. She thinks that dressing up likes this gives her confidence. She goes to job interviews dressed like a doll. It almost seems like it is an alter ego for her. Her family really tries to talk out of going in public like a doll and only do it at home. Emily obviously refuses. Emily also meets with other girls that dress up as a doll and they all have a tea party together. Here is a picture of Emily
Dressing like a doll gives her confidence, Emily says.

The last one was another girl her name was Venus. She also hasn't had any plastic surgery. She claims that she naturally looks like a doll.She also wears makeup to make her look more doll like. Venus currently lives in the U.K. but her dream is to a Japan doll model. Her Mom is manager. She also makes YouTube videos showing people how she gets her doll look. Not only does she look like a doll she also has a little squeaky voice kind of like a doll. She also does meet ups for her fans. Everyone loves her. I honestly don't understand the hype. In the episode she actually did a photo shoot for a contest. The winner got fly out to japan for a doll fashion show. They put her on a giant chair, she actually kind of look like a doll. Here is a picture of Venus
Venus says her doll-like appearance comes naturally, but she wears ...  Living-doll-venus-200x300

The next episode was Addicted to being Twins. These two identical twin girls have been together their whole life. They work in same place, They share a room. They haven't been apart for more than five minuets. They also just started eating the same thing, so they will weigh the same as well. The whole thing about them is just creepy. They say the same stuff at the same time. Sometimes they finish each others sentences. Neither of them have a boyfriend. They go on dates together. They also tell their dates that they have never been separated. I feel like that isn't something you should say on a first date. If you were wondering, their names are Amy and Becky. They are 44 years old. I think that is too long to always be someone. I mean I am people person but at the same time I need alone time to hear my own thoughts.

The next part of the episode was a girl who was addicted to eating her mattress. She has been doing since she was 6 and she ate some of her car seat. Now she has this process where she uses a lint roller to get all of the hair and lint of the piece of the mattress. Then she puts it on her tongue to make sure she got it all off then she eats it. She has been eating if for 20 years. At this point she is like it hasn't hurt me yet so why stop. She has eaten almost all of her mattress. So sometimes she sneaks into her moms room and takes some of her mattress. She did end up going to the doctor and it is actually ruining her whole digestive system it is quite gross.

Watching these episodes has made me grateful that I am not addicted to anything.