
About Me!

 About Me.

I am me, but if you don’t know me then that doesn’t really make any sense does it? So here we go, I am very loud and outgoing. Ask anybody that knows me you can usually hear me in the hallway.
I have long hair that usually drives me crazy, but at the same time I am terrified to cut it. My hair is so long it goes to bottom of my back. I think the reason I love having my hair so long is because I wish I was tall. So I try to make up for it, with the length of my hair. Which brings me to my next topic.  
 I am extremely short for my age being 5’1” in high school has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of being short is it’s easier to get through the hallways. You literally just squeeze pass people. People usually don’t see me in the hallway they just hear me yelling. I yell things like “Excuse me!”, “Move out my way!”, and “Can we not stop right in the middle of the hallway please!” Then there is the disadvantages to being short like people in the hallway again. Yeah! That’s right I can hear you talking about how short I am. People act like they have never seen someone who is short before. I mean it’s not like we are going extinct, we still exist and we have feelings too. Another advantage to being short is the nicknames some can be good others are just dumb like you can’t come up with anything better than short stack really. One nickname that is my favorite is meatball. I’m not really sure why I like it, but anyway next subject.
I am a pretty friendly person. I am usually nice to people. Now you are probably looking at the words like pretty friendly and usually nice, why don’t I just say I am nice and friendly. Well that’s because I am easily irritated by people. When someone upsets me, I make a point to let them know that they upset me. I am a very vocal person about my opinion. I never use to be, I am not sure when the demon in me was set free. I never use to be outgoing I guess it’s my friends’ maybe that’s the root to my problems…… never mind. That’s not it. I am the friend that all the parents think I am good influence but when it’s just me and friends well then I can get a little crazy. Okay maybe A LOT crazy. Like all the time. So that's me someone else go now.

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