
Billboard Music Awards

After I checked in to the last half of the billboard awards. Luke did amazing first of all. I wish he would of won some award but he can't do it all. I loved, loved Jason Deruloo's performance. I loved that he did multiple different songs to his set. I also really enjoyed that Jordan Sparks presented him. I thought that was super cute! One thing that was little bit of a disappointment was that I thought Justin Bieber was going be there and he wasn't. I am later going to re-watch from the beginning just to make sure he wasn't. 

Another thing that I thought was really cool was when Luke Bryan performed; Florida Georgia Line was jamming out to his song. This is so cool they were just like fans. I did enjoy seeing Austin Mahone there. One thing that was really awkward. It was when Robin Thicke performed he was on his knees and was air grinding. There was fan right in front of him and she just kind of turned her head you could tell that she was really uncomfortable as well. She didn't want to be in that position. Especially since he was singing about getting his wife back and how much he misses her. Even when it's his own fault she is gone in the first place. Because he cheated on her. Anyway it was really weird.

Another great thing was when John Legend performed. He has such great range and I love his song "All Of Me" I think that song is just perfection. He also sang a song that isn't on the radio yet and it was also really good.  I feel like this years award show was really good. I think it was good thing Miley was on tour so we didn't have anything here that was super unexpected. I was a little sad though that Justin Timberlake was on tour but his acceptance speech was funny he said "I would like to thank everybody in the world, everybody except Donald Sterling I don't like that guy." My whole family was laughing so hard.  I would also like to point out Ludacris' nice shoes I thought those were so cool.

I was sad that I missed Michael Jackson’s performance. I recorded the whole show though so I will have to go back and watch it. I heard good and bad things about his performance. My younger sister who is a big fan of him said she didn’t like it because you could tell that it was not real. But I think that it is really cool that we have come that far in technology that we can bring back people from the dead to perform. But now that I just typed it, it kind of sounds weird .What if we could bring other great people like that back. It would be interesting to see how it goes as we further in technology.

I hope everyone enjoyed this blog. I would just like to let all of you know that I won't be posting as frequently as I was or as long of posts. But I will still try to post.


After watching Lorde on the Billboard music awards tonight, I have come to the conclusion that I love her music. But I can't stand to watch her perform. She moves weird. And last time she was performing she had black from her nail all the way to her knuckles.  I mean my nails look that when I paint them but she has someone to do her nails for her. And there is a thing called finger nail polish remover, or hot water to get the excess off. Her songs sound nothing like how she dresses. She dresses very goth but her music is electro-pop.  So when you see her perform you are or I am a little scared when she comes on stage. I honestly wonder who it is every time. 

Something that appalls me is that she is only 17 and she wrote her current album Pure Heroine she wrote it when she was 15. That's just crazy to be so young and have so much talent. I also understand that in this day and age being different is good. But some people take it to far like Lorde did.  Like Lady Gaga does the same thing and has done the same  thing for a while. But now she doesn't so much. She just kind of fell off the face of the planet. Whatever I hope that Lodre continues to keep making music. Because her music is great I love it. I could just go with out seeing perform all of the time.


How safe are we?

We think of America as a mostly safe place to live. Especially compared to other countries. But are we really that safe. I think we try to change our minds about things that happen. We try to tell ourselves excuses. In reality everywhere you go you are putting yourself at risk. I'm not saying any of this to scare you. Just recent events have got me thinking about things. 

They are things going on in America that are scary. In the place where you are supposed to be the safest aren't safe anymore. Like school for example, that is where you are supposed to feel the safest. But you’re not. With bullies, you could be verbally or physically attacked at school. I have heard some instances of people going to the principal when they get bullied and the principal just shrugs it off like it is nothing. Then with some students they will let the bullying continue to happen like it is nothing. In other situations the student will try to stand up to the bully, which could turn violent. This is where it gets screwed up. When the student tries to stand up to the bully and it does turn violent. Than the student who was being bullied gets in trouble which doesn't make any sense. Another thing about schools that makes it, safe is the ongoing threat of school shootings, or stabbings. There is a constant scare. Everyone thinks it can't happen to them. But you don't know that for sure. A lot of times when it does happen, a lot of people don't do the right thing. A lot of students are taught to basically sit and stay in their room. But aren't you just waiting to be killed. You like a sitting duck waiting to get shot. We use to do that at our school but they have recently changed the rules for a strict lock down and a non-strict lock down. For a strict lock down we are supposed to do what we have always been taught. For a non-strict lock down we are supposed basically run for your life like the hunger games or something. This doesn’t make any sense either. Also a lot of the teachers at my school don't take it seriously. Some act like it is a joking matter.  It’s not though it is life in death in SCHOOL that’s ridiculous. I think that school is the safest place you can be. If home isn't safe than at least you have school. But now school isn't even safe. 


Faking It

I started watching Faking it on MTV.It is on before Awkward on Tuesdays. It is definitely not something you watch with little kids. It is more for teens and older. It has some mature jokes. But it is funny. They basis of the show is quite unique also. The story line is about two girls who go to a new school. The top of the school as the "in" crowd is a gay guy, a feminist and a earth conscious guy. This right off the bat is a great combo. The usual "popular" girl is actually an outcast. This show is so good. It isn't like other shows. Like a lot of the shows on MTV.


Ap Exams

May is coming do you know what that means. The joy of AP exams! If you are in an Ap class there is likely chance that you have thought about taking the Ap Exam. I am currently in two Ap classes. I am in Ap Language and Competition, I am also in Ap U.S. History. I think part of the reason I am not taking the AP lang test is because of my teacher. I feel like I haven't learned anything in that class. The whole reason took the class was to learn to write. That class is so much more than that. It was a lot harder than I expected. I don't want to take the AP test and pay the $90 just to fail it anyway.

I think if I retained as much information this term of APUSH the rest of the year. I would totally take the exam. I know I could rock the multiple choice portion of the test. But again with the DBQ I don't think I would do that. I really struggle with thesis statements. That is a key point in writing essays. Another thing with APUSH is that I don't really retain anything until the 1920's. There is a lot of things that happened in history for that. I think anything before that is interesting.  I love that whole era after the 1920's.

If you don't want to pay for AP exams. There are tests that you can take before you get in to college. I am not sure what they are called. But you take the test and it places you in a semester. Let’s say you took APUSH and you took the placement test in college. They could put you in 1st semester of a sophomore college. It is only like $30 test and it is cheaper than AP exams and it is like free college. It is almost like skipping a grade in elementary school. Which they don't do any more. I feel like it is a better option to do. It saves you a lot more money in the long run.

If you are taking an AP exam this month wish you the very best. Especially on the writing sections. If you aren’t taking an AP exam good luck on the finals for the AP class. I think the best part is after the AP exam is just doing fun stuff. Watching movies or playing games. I look forward to that part the most.


Why do we think we can only post old pictures on Thursdays?  I want to know where throwback Thursday began. The first time I saw it, it was on instagram. As it became more popular it started on twitter as well.Then slowly but surely made it's way to Facebook. If you don't know what throwback Thursday is. It is when you post an older picture on social media. The oldness of the picture ranges from baby to yesterday. If you search #tbt on intagram. Which is  a shortened version of it. There are 194,429,170 posts that show up. On Thursday that is almost all you see. I think that it is dumb when post a picture for throwback Thursday from any time of that week. 

There are similar things like throwback Thursday on other days of the week. There are #mancandymoday, #womencrushwednesday, and #selfiesunday. People also try to make #tossbacktuesday and #flashbackfriday. But they are usually not that common. Originally #wcw and #mcm were used for celebrities of someone you thought was attractive. Now it is still used for that but it is also used to embarrass you friends. You see a lot of people posting pics with these hashtags. Sometimes it can get annoying. But not everyone posts on these days. I would have to say #tbt is the most popular one. There are also some girls that every single week on Wednesday they post a picture of themselves as a #wcw. I feel like that goes against the unwritten rule of social media. A long with liking your own post. Of course you like what you posted or you wouldn't have posted it. I feel like it is the same thing with posting a picture of you self as a #wcw. I feel like it is unnecessary, other people that see it aren't going to like it. They are most likely to just roll their eyes at you and your post. Especially if you do it every single week then you will eventually have no followers or friends. I see most of this stuff on instagram rather than on twitter or Facebook. 

While on the topic of instagram I hate when people post more than one #tbt picture save it for next week or just choose your favorite. I do not need to relive your life through instagram pictures. Another thing that is annoying is when people only use hashtags in their description. They have so many hashtags that don't even make sense nor do they relate to each other. They only reason people do it is to get a lot of likes on their page. If you are that desperate to get likes you need more activities in your life. Besides instagram.