

Miss America 2013

Nina Davuluri was crowned the first Miss America of Indian descent. It seemed that this year’s theme was being different. Miss Kansas was tattooed all over her arm, she bow hunted and she could speak Chinese. So why is everyone freaking out about Nina Davuluri. She is an American citizen. Why does it matter that she is from Indian descent. All of the candidates are from different descents. She was Miss New York. I don't understand what the big hype is. I thought America was over the whole race thing a long time ago.

In the past Nina has battled being obese and bulimia. After overcoming both of those she is very passionate about healthy living. A lot of the hate she is getting is over twitter. A lot of the comments being made are stupid and don't even make any sense. Someone even went as far as calling her a Muslim.


First of all even if she was Muslim why does it matter? We are in the 21st century, race and religion shouldn't be that big of a deal as it was in history. Second of all she is Muslim, she is from Indian descent. People act like that she moved to America just to when Miss America. Her dad came to America 30 years ago, and she is 24 years old. So she has lived in America her whole life.


This has happened before with the Miss America pageant in 2010. Rima Fakih was the first Miss America of Lebanese descent. When she won people instantly thought she was a terrorist just because she was Arab. Which is just stupid. That's like saying everyone who is American is a redneck which living in America we know it’s not true. People know their opinion before they even know all of the information. If the judges thought that Rima or Nina did the best then who is America to judge them.


Either way I think Nina deserved to win. She used her culture as a part of her performance. She did traditional Indian dances mixed with Bollywood dances. I don't understand why everyone is freaking out. She is an American citizen. It's not like she flew over and was like I am going to win miss America this year. She has lived in America her whole life. Everyone just needs to relax and quit being so judgmental.  (397)


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