

What does a fox say?

I am sure we have all had this thought before. What sound does a fox make or a zebra for that matter? The difference is that some actually made a song about it. In the beginning the song sounds like it's a children's song. It goes through each animal and says what noise they make. The video is somewhat normal to begin with. Then it gets freakin' weird. The guy who sings it is all of a sudden in a fox costume and he is like but the one sound no one knows is what does a fox say?

First of all why does it matter that we know all the sound of the animals. It's not like we can talk to them. Second of all I think the guy that wrote this song while under the influence of illegal substances and the video for that matter. Watching that video is three minutes of my life I will never get back. You would think that he would make a howling noise for a fox. Well he doesn't he makes the weirdest sound affects you will ever hear. If you have seen the video you know what I mean. If you haven't the link will be at the bottom of this post

As if it could not get any weirder it does! Then all of a sudden this old man appears with a child on his lap it appears he is reading him a story. The old man is also making the weird noises.  The only logical explanation that I have for the weird noises is that its different noises that the fox makes in different countries. Then the next verse he is describing the fox and is saying it’s his angel in disguise. He acts like he is in love with the fox which is just down right creepy if you ask me.

The end is the weirdest part. At the end of the video the singer is still making ridiculous sounds but there is an animated fox that just looks weird he is also making the weird noises. The whole video is just weird and creepy. The song is annoying but at the same time it's catchy and it gets stuck in your head. To the point where it is driving you crazy and everyone else around you crazy as well. I am not sure who told this guy it was a good idea to make this song or the video. If you are really interested in listening to it here is the link to What does the fox say? I am warning you it is a terrible song.  (440)


  1. Ok, so I watched the video and I'm really confused. Who on earth would make a song/video like that....weird! Is it for kids? Was it made after a book? So many questions I I want to know what do a fox say lolol!

  2. Psh, hating on the music video much? It's just supposed to be a catchy song. It literally was some guys that got together and were really bored so they made an entertaining song. As for if they are on drugs you should ask yourself who isn't on drugs today because what celebrities aren't on or haven't done drugs? I just think they were trying to entertain people which it definitely worked in a very unusual way...
