

Dumbest Rumor Ever

So I was scrolling through my news feed on twitter. I stumbled upon the hashtag #RIPJustinBieber. There was a link so me being curious I clicked on the picture. The head line says "Justin Bieber Found Dead After Snorting Too Many Marijuanas". First of all you don't snort marijuana. Then the article basically goes to say that Justin died in his hotel room in Argentina by overdosing on marijuana. To overdose on Marijuana you would need to smoke 1,500 pounds in 15 minutes which impossible. In the article it says that he took 7 times what it takes to kill someone. 

This article is obviously not true. But they could have at least done their research. It wasn't that difficult to find out how much weed you need to consume to overdose. Justin could have been smoking weed in his hotel room. This entertainment page could have found out he was smoking marijuana but then extremely stretched the truth and now they just look stupid. Because he is obviously not dead. People think just because he isn’t posting picture or tweeting that he must be dead. Why can’t he just take a break from technology once and a while? Why does he always have to doing something on social media or people think he is dead. Thinking about it now it is kind of ridiculous. We aren’t constantly tweeting and posting. If we do we are annoying.  So why is it a necessity that celebrities have to.

I am so sick of people making stupid rumors about him dying. When he dies I think his management will be the first one to tell the world not internet. It is kind of sad we can't rely on the internet for things like this. If you have to try to find the story on multiple sites to know if it is really true. The internet should a source of information not away to spread rumors and lies about people. Especially people like celebrities who already have enough to worry about in their life. 

The thing about there always being rumors about Justin Bieber dying is that when he does actually die, nobody is going to believe it. They will just think it is just another rumor. I think it is going to terrible. I can't even imagine what it is going to be like. I know I will be numb for a while. 

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