

Ap Exams

May is coming do you know what that means. The joy of AP exams! If you are in an Ap class there is likely chance that you have thought about taking the Ap Exam. I am currently in two Ap classes. I am in Ap Language and Competition, I am also in Ap U.S. History. I think part of the reason I am not taking the AP lang test is because of my teacher. I feel like I haven't learned anything in that class. The whole reason took the class was to learn to write. That class is so much more than that. It was a lot harder than I expected. I don't want to take the AP test and pay the $90 just to fail it anyway.

I think if I retained as much information this term of APUSH the rest of the year. I would totally take the exam. I know I could rock the multiple choice portion of the test. But again with the DBQ I don't think I would do that. I really struggle with thesis statements. That is a key point in writing essays. Another thing with APUSH is that I don't really retain anything until the 1920's. There is a lot of things that happened in history for that. I think anything before that is interesting.  I love that whole era after the 1920's.

If you don't want to pay for AP exams. There are tests that you can take before you get in to college. I am not sure what they are called. But you take the test and it places you in a semester. Let’s say you took APUSH and you took the placement test in college. They could put you in 1st semester of a sophomore college. It is only like $30 test and it is cheaper than AP exams and it is like free college. It is almost like skipping a grade in elementary school. Which they don't do any more. I feel like it is a better option to do. It saves you a lot more money in the long run.

If you are taking an AP exam this month wish you the very best. Especially on the writing sections. If you aren’t taking an AP exam good luck on the finals for the AP class. I think the best part is after the AP exam is just doing fun stuff. Watching movies or playing games. I look forward to that part the most.

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