

Sims 4

I am a simmer. I have been playing Sims 3 since it came out. My cousin was the person that showed me the world of Sims. I was walking into her house and she had this game up. She basically showed me how to play the game.  Ever since then I have been hooked. I thought that Sims 3 was amazing when I first downloaded it. Then we come to the expansion packs. I have almost all the expansion packs for the Sims 3. Now they have more than one upped the Sims 3, more like quadrupled the Sims 3. Now they are coming out with Sims 4. I can’t wait for it to come out, but there is one small problem. It's not coming out until next summer. 

They get you all excited about it and then you read the release date. Not only that but you can pre-order it right now for $74. This is so far the most expensive of the Sims games.  I hope The Sims 4 is going to be worth it. The Sims are now going to have emotions. Their emotions can change from conversations with other Sims, with the decor in there house even with what they wear.  If you have played Sims before one of the best things about the Sims 4 is that you can change the body of your Sims a lot easier. All you do is drag and click. 

When building houses in the other Sims games, when it came to making the house just how you wanted it, this was time consuming. First you would have to build the house then you have to add the furniture and once you are done you play with your Sims for five minutes and you are bored. Now with the Sims 4 you can just add a room and do the furniture all at once. Then all you do is attach it to the house.  It also makes moving things around if you get bored of the house a lot easier. 

There is one thing that I don't like about any of the Sims games. If you had Sims 2 and you bought all the expansion packs, then the Sims 3 came out and you couldn't transfer anything from the Sims 2 to the Sims 3. In most cases you have to uninstall Sims 2 to install Sims 3 or your computer starts running slow or it doesn't have room for the Sims 3. The same goes for the Sims 4. You can't transfer anything from the Sims 3 to the Sims 4. I know that when the Sims 4 does finally come out I am going to buy it. Here is a trailer of the Sims 4 (457)

Now You See Me.

Now You See Me came out on home video at the beginning of this month, September 3rd to be exact. I saw this movie in theaters with a friend. We both loved it. I wanted to go see it again before it came out on DVD, but I never got the chance to.  Either way now that it is out on DVD I cannot wait to see it again. 

If you haven't heard of this movie yet, let me give you a little run down.  The movie is about four magicians who live in separate parts of the country.  They all receive the same invitation that takes them all to New York. Each of the magicians is a different type of magician. They each have different talents. They go to New York and they end up teaming up together and doing magic shows all over the country. They call themselves the four horsemen. They do a show where they rob a bank and get arrested. The police try to catch them in the act. Once they rob the bank an investigation begins and Dylan Rhodes gets put on the job (played by Mark Ruffalo). He calls on Thaddeus Bradley (Played by Morgan Freeman). Thaddeus basically takes magician acts and dissects them to figure out what the trick is. Then he makes a show about it and exposes it to the world.  Throughout the movie you think you are rooting for the Four Horsemen, but by the end you see that that changes and you are supposed to see something else;  something bigger. This movie was so good. It was full of plot twists that kept you interested. It helps that Dave Franco is in it, but that's matter of personal opinion.

My favorite quote in this movie is, "The closer you look the less you see." It just reminds you that you need to step back and look at the bigger picture once in a awhile. If you are trying to figure something out, if you keep looking at the finer details, you won't ever figure it out unless you step back and look at the whole thing.  

A lot of the reviews are mixed on different sites. On, the reviews are mixed right down the middle. Some people love it and others hate the ending or that it was dumb. On the reviews are that 70% like it and 30% didn't. But a lot of people that I have talked to loved it!  Now that it is out on DVD I am definitely going to buy it and I suggest you should at least check it out and decide for yourself. If you want to see more here is a trailer for the movie. (457)


X Factor (The Auditions)

This week so far I have been trying to catch up on the long lists of shows I am behind on, while trying to do homework at the same time. Today when I got home I finished Auditions number 3, and started on number four. Wow! There is a lot of great talent this season. X Factor is one of my favorite singing shows. I love the judges, I also love that there is not an age limit. 

If you haven't heard of X Factor before then let me break it down for you. First of all they broke up all the constants into four separate groups, there are the boys, the girls, the groups and the over 25. The age is 12 or older to audition. Something that might confuse some people is that there are two X Factors. There is also X Factor UK and  X Factor Australia.  They have had some great artist that have come from the X Factor here are a couple Emblem 3Olly MursCher Lloyd, and of course One Direction.  The judges this year are Simon Cowell, Demi Lovato, Kelly Rowland, and Paulina Rubio. 

This year they have a host for the auditions. Last year they had Mario Lopez and Khole Kardashian for the live shows hosting. I am not sure how I feel about having a host. Mario Lopez bothers me.  I think he is annoying, I don't think they need a host. They have done just fine with out it in the past. After auditions then each judge gets a group. (boys,girls, over 25, and groups) The only time I see a need for a judge is during the results. I just don't like Mario Lopez as the host. 

Mario Lopez had done every show. I feel like they need a new host to host everything. I think that they have such a good panel of judges. Then it came down to picking a host and they just picked Mario because he has experience. I just think they should have used someone different. A different celebrity host or just not have one.   

If you have missed the auditions here are some that you need to check out Al Calderon he sang Sara Smiles. It was amazing I was not expecting him to be so good and he has beautiful eyes. Another one to check out is Josh Levi he is 14 and he sang Come and Get it by Selena Gomez. When he started singing the song sounded familiar. I wasn't until the end of the song that I realized what song it was. He did so good. I don't particularly like this song but he put his own twist on it. It was awesome! The last audition that I am going to talk about made me tear up a little bit her name is  Rion Paige. She has some disabilities but she voice is awesome. She was just so adorable If you don't check out any of the other auditions you have to check out Rion's audition.  I should probably finish my homework now. Even though I want to keep watching X Factor.  (524)


What does a fox say?

I am sure we have all had this thought before. What sound does a fox make or a zebra for that matter? The difference is that some actually made a song about it. In the beginning the song sounds like it's a children's song. It goes through each animal and says what noise they make. The video is somewhat normal to begin with. Then it gets freakin' weird. The guy who sings it is all of a sudden in a fox costume and he is like but the one sound no one knows is what does a fox say?

First of all why does it matter that we know all the sound of the animals. It's not like we can talk to them. Second of all I think the guy that wrote this song while under the influence of illegal substances and the video for that matter. Watching that video is three minutes of my life I will never get back. You would think that he would make a howling noise for a fox. Well he doesn't he makes the weirdest sound affects you will ever hear. If you have seen the video you know what I mean. If you haven't the link will be at the bottom of this post

As if it could not get any weirder it does! Then all of a sudden this old man appears with a child on his lap it appears he is reading him a story. The old man is also making the weird noises.  The only logical explanation that I have for the weird noises is that its different noises that the fox makes in different countries. Then the next verse he is describing the fox and is saying it’s his angel in disguise. He acts like he is in love with the fox which is just down right creepy if you ask me.

The end is the weirdest part. At the end of the video the singer is still making ridiculous sounds but there is an animated fox that just looks weird he is also making the weird noises. The whole video is just weird and creepy. The song is annoying but at the same time it's catchy and it gets stuck in your head. To the point where it is driving you crazy and everyone else around you crazy as well. I am not sure who told this guy it was a good idea to make this song or the video. If you are really interested in listening to it here is the link to What does the fox say? I am warning you it is a terrible song.  (440)

Liam and Miley

Tonight I was drinking some hot tea and pondering this topic. The topic everyone is freaking out about..... Miley and Liam. We all know that Miley and Liam have been on the rocks the last couple months. Once Miley changed her look she changed her attitude. I miss Miley as Hannah Montana. I loved her music and she was so inspirational. 


Now she is acting the exact opposite of how her dad wanted her to be raised. Also not how she wanted to be seen. People magazine brought back an older cover of their magazine. The cover had Billy Ray on it and it said "Raising a teen star the right way". I am not sure what happened during this time. Maybe it had to do with her parents almost divorcing. I am not really sure.


Once she changed her hair she also started to change. Everyone was freaking out about her hair. I mean its hair, it grows back. I don't think everyone expected this. I don't think Liam expected it either. Liam isn't getting out of this either. There were rumors that he was cheating on Miley with January Jones. The whole time that Miley and Liam were together they were off and on again. Liam's rep denied him being with January though. 


I think the stupidest part about them breaking off the engagement is that it was made official by Miley un-following Liam on twitter. I am sure they had talked previously, but at the same time have we really come to this. At least he didn't end it like Russell Brandt did with Katy Perry. Brandt ended it with a text. I am not sure which is worse. 


Either way I don't think Liam is ready for all of Mileys changes. I don't think anybody was really ready. I think it's just too much for Liam to handle. He didn't show up at the MTV VMA's to even support Miley. I think he knew what she was up to. He could have at least warned the rest of us. At the same time though then it might have looked like he was bashing on Miley. Now as I finish my cup of tea I will also finish this topic by saying I miss the old Miley and Liam could do way better.  (386)


Miss America 2013

Nina Davuluri was crowned the first Miss America of Indian descent. It seemed that this year’s theme was being different. Miss Kansas was tattooed all over her arm, she bow hunted and she could speak Chinese. So why is everyone freaking out about Nina Davuluri. She is an American citizen. Why does it matter that she is from Indian descent. All of the candidates are from different descents. She was Miss New York. I don't understand what the big hype is. I thought America was over the whole race thing a long time ago.

In the past Nina has battled being obese and bulimia. After overcoming both of those she is very passionate about healthy living. A lot of the hate she is getting is over twitter. A lot of the comments being made are stupid and don't even make any sense. Someone even went as far as calling her a Muslim.


First of all even if she was Muslim why does it matter? We are in the 21st century, race and religion shouldn't be that big of a deal as it was in history. Second of all she is Muslim, she is from Indian descent. People act like that she moved to America just to when Miss America. Her dad came to America 30 years ago, and she is 24 years old. So she has lived in America her whole life.


This has happened before with the Miss America pageant in 2010. Rima Fakih was the first Miss America of Lebanese descent. When she won people instantly thought she was a terrorist just because she was Arab. Which is just stupid. That's like saying everyone who is American is a redneck which living in America we know it’s not true. People know their opinion before they even know all of the information. If the judges thought that Rima or Nina did the best then who is America to judge them.


Either way I think Nina deserved to win. She used her culture as a part of her performance. She did traditional Indian dances mixed with Bollywood dances. I don't understand why everyone is freaking out. She is an American citizen. It's not like she flew over and was like I am going to win miss America this year. She has lived in America her whole life. Everyone just needs to relax and quit being so judgmental.  (397)