

Believe Movie *Spoiler Alert*

The day after Christmas me and my best friend went to go see the Believe movie. I can honestly say it was great. In Justin Bieber's previous movie Never Say Never. It was all about the story of how he became famous. This movie is a little bit different. This is more of the story of his worldwide tour. All the drama with the media in the last year.

The interview that this almost the building  blocks for the movie was released for one of his "Film Fridays" just a couple weeks ago. The "Film Fridays" are when he released one of his songs from "Music Mondays" (which I already talked about when they started) when his fans got the song to number one on the itunes chart we got a video from the believe movie. Then after about the 8th week of the music Mondays he released 6 more songs and made all of the "Music Mondays" songs one album called "The Journals". When you buy the rest of the songs it also comes with a video diary from when he was in the Philippians and a trailer of the Believe movie. Then the next week is when the Believe movie came out.

The movie was truly very honest. I will honestly admit that I cried twice during the movie. One time it was talking about Avalanna. Avalanna had a rare form of cancer. She loved Justin. She had a fake wedding at her hospital with her card board cut out of him. The whole thing was posted on facebook page made for her. Somehow Justin found out about it and wanted to meet her while he was in New York. They hit off right away. They played board games together. She called him her husband. It was so cute. They started hanging out more and more. Her condition started getting worse. Then on the first night of the Believe tour is the day that she passed away. Justin was just devastated, he loved her so much. That night there wasn't a One Less Lonely Girl" picked from the crowd. It was a slideshow of Avalanna. Justin was crying that night when he was singing. Also in the movie when it was brought up. He again was crying. She was a big part of his life before the tour.

This movie also made me laugh. There were a lot of funny parts in it. You will just have to see it for your self to find out what they are. Another part of this movie I really like was that you got to see Justin in the studio. No, Not just him singing but writing the songs figuring out how he wants them to sound. Just the whole creation process is really cool.  If you are fan of him go see this movie. If you are a hater go see this movie. If you don't know who he is see "Never Say Never" then go see this movie. Point is go see this movie.


  1. When did they decide they needed to make this movie? Also, do you think in any way there is a correlation between Believe and the new Miley Cyrus movie in the way that they are trying to show his evolution since Never Say Never?

    1. I didn't know they were making a new Miley Cyrus Movie. Yeah they are trying to show that he isn't that 12 year kid anymore he has grown up. I knew they decided to make it over a year ago. I saw him in concert in October in 2012 and then a month later is when beliebers found out they were making a movie.
