The second girl was a live doll. She hasn't had any plastic surgery but she one day wants to. Her family thinks she is going through a phase. It takes her like two hours to get ready in the morning. That just doesn't seem worth it to me. Her name is Emily. She wears contact lenses that make her eyes look big and glossy like a doll. She also wears fake lashes and wears wigs everyday. The reason Emily does this is because she is very insecure. She thinks that dressing up likes this gives her confidence. She goes to job interviews dressed like a doll. It almost seems like it is an alter ego for her. Her family really tries to talk out of going in public like a doll and only do it at home. Emily obviously refuses. Emily also meets with other girls that dress up as a doll and they all have a tea party together. Here is a picture of Emily

The last one was another girl her name was Venus. She also hasn't had any plastic surgery. She claims that she naturally looks like a doll.She also wears makeup to make her look more doll like. Venus currently lives in the U.K. but her dream is to a Japan doll model. Her Mom is manager. She also makes YouTube videos showing people how she gets her doll look. Not only does she look like a doll she also has a little squeaky voice kind of like a doll. She also does meet ups for her fans. Everyone loves her. I honestly don't understand the hype. In the episode she actually did a photo shoot for a contest. The winner got fly out to japan for a doll fashion show. They put her on a giant chair, she actually kind of look like a doll. Here is a picture of Venus

The next episode was Addicted to being Twins. These two identical twin girls have been together their whole life. They work in same place, They share a room. They haven't been apart for more than five minuets. They also just started eating the same thing, so they will weigh the same as well. The whole thing about them is just creepy. They say the same stuff at the same time. Sometimes they finish each others sentences. Neither of them have a boyfriend. They go on dates together. They also tell their dates that they have never been separated. I feel like that isn't something you should say on a first date. If you were wondering, their names are Amy and Becky. They are 44 years old. I think that is too long to always be someone. I mean I am people person but at the same time I need alone time to hear my own thoughts.
The next part of the episode was a girl who was addicted to eating her mattress. She has been doing since she was 6 and she ate some of her car seat. Now she has this process where she uses a lint roller to get all of the hair and lint of the piece of the mattress. Then she puts it on her tongue to make sure she got it all off then she eats it. She has been eating if for 20 years. At this point she is like it hasn't hurt me yet so why stop. She has eaten almost all of her mattress. So sometimes she sneaks into her moms room and takes some of her mattress. She did end up going to the doctor and it is actually ruining her whole digestive system it is quite gross.
Watching these episodes has made me grateful that I am not addicted to anything.
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