

I don't know when I first heard about Wanelo. I just know that ever since then I have been addicted to it. I want to say it was about a year ago. Since then I have saved 1,234 products. If you don't know what Wanelo is. It stands for Want Need Love. It is an app and a website. It is where online stores can add the products to this site and people can see them. I mostly look at clothes and phone cases. But there is so much more on there. You can follow your favorite stores on there as well. I follow Forever 21, Target, American Eagle, Amazon, and Skreened to name a few. But I have also found new stores that I have never heard of before and followed them. Any shirt you have thought about making is on there. Another great thing about Wanleo is that there is stuff on here for everybody. Whoever you are trying to shop for even it's yourself you will most likely find something that is perfects for them.

There has been a lot of updates to it since I have started using Wanelo. One of them I like a lot is that you can change the price range you want in what trending. You can also choose if you want to look at women's, men's, home or all three at the same time. Every new trend that happens is also on here. Like right now you can find a ton of stuff on the movie frozen. Stuff for Valentines day. Whatever is coming up or trending you can most likely find on Wanelo. Let's just say you are looking for something specific on Wanelo. There is also a search option. Within that you can search just withing the store you follow or by all of the stores on Wanelo.

The thing I like about Wanelo is that I will see somthing that I have never seen before but it is a great idea.Or shirts that say stuff like that is so me. It is just exciting to see what new and trending on Wanelo. There is one thing I want to warn you about on Wanelo. Besides it being highly addictive, there are also some things on there that is not appropriate.There are some bad words and bad images depicted so just use at your own risk. If you haven't heard about Wanelo before and you decide to check it out let me know.

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